We are pleased to be able to offer in-person worship as of Wednesday, March 2nd! While our provincial bishops will continue to monitor the number of COVID cases in Ontario, we have been given permission to gather together on Sunday’s for worship. Please read the procedures below to give you an idea of what to expect, and what will be required of you, as we gather again in our sacred space.
"But in humility consider others as more important than yourselves." ~Philippians 2:3
Dear COTR,
As of Monday March 21, 2022, registration is no longer required as limit restrictions and social distancing have been lifted. Please see the information below when attending service on Sunday.
Have a good week, take care and stay safe!
Online worship will continued to be offered via Facebook and YouTube:
Please screen yourself ahead of time to determine if you should stay home. If you or anyone you have been in contact with (bubble groups, co-workers, etc.) can answer yes to any of the following questions, you should remain home:
Have you had any of the following symptoms during the last 14 days?
Shortness of breath
Recent loss of taste or smell
Other flu-like symptoms, including gastrointestinal upset, headache, or fatigue
Have you or anyone in your household or bubble tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days?
Have you travelled outside of the country in the last 14 days?
When you arrive at the church, please make your way to the red side door.
Everyone entering the building must wear a mask and use the hand sanitizer provided. If you do not have a mask, one will be made available for purchase at a cost of $2 per mask, the proceeds of which will be donated to St. Matthew’s House.
During the Service Seating: Capacity has been lifted and you may sit anywhere in the church. No social distancing is required. Masks are to be worn at all times with the exception of readers, intercessors, and clergy who will remove their masks only when participating and while maintaining a safe distance from the congregation.
Eucharist: During communion, you will be directed single file down the centre isle to receive the host (gluten free is also available). Continue to wear your mask. Once you have received the bread, please turn away from the priest and lift your mask briefly while placing it in your mouth as you walk back toward your seat. We will not be partaking in the cup at this time. Spiritual communion will be available for those worshipping online and for those gathered in the building who do not wish to receive.
Music: The choir will lead the music throughout the service. We do ask that you sing quietly, keeping your mask on for the duration.
Offering: At this time passing of the offertory place is still on hold. A basket is located at the door in the Narthex on the way into the Sanctuary. Another way to continue to give is to send in offerings electronically (PAP, e-Transfer),
Changes to Overall Flow & Liturgy: In addition to the above-mentioned changes, we will not have any liturgical procession and will exchange the peace in a noncontact manner. PowerPoint and a projection screen. The service, including liturgy, music, and sermon, will be shorter than usual – around 45 minutes.
When the service is over, please remain in your seats until directed to leave by a Sidesperson. If possible, avoid congregating indoors to visit with fellow parishioners and instead use the parking lot and outdoor spaces for social gatherings
In addition to the above (changes), we have formed a volunteer team of COVID Crusaders who will be responsible for maintaining a clean, safe environment for worship. The team will be disinfecting the sanctuary, narthex, washrooms, and entranceway following all in-person worship services, ensuring that all areas of the church that have been exposed to parishioners are adequately cleaned and disinfected. If you would like to volunteer in this capacity, please contact the office, Irene Campbell or Pamela Blackwood.