Our Story
The Church of the Resurrection is a fairly young and dynamic parish 'on the mountain' in Hamilton, ON. It was established in May 2000 by the members of the former Church of St. Bartholomew and Church of St. Timothy. These dwindling parishes were disestablished in order to re-establish a new parish, Resurrection. This process was a first in the Anglican Church of Canada.
The first priests were the former rectors Archdeacon Dr. Richard Jones (St. Barts) and the Rev. Jack Cox (St. Tims). After Jack left in 2002, Rick had the help of several theological students and Honorary Assistants, and eventually the support of the Rev. Leon Burke (a parishioner and former lay reader) following his ordination.
Within a few years our membership profile changed from equal parts parishioners from the former parishes to one third St. Barts, one third St. Tims and one third newcomers. We are now made up of about half of our parishioners from the former parishes and half from neither parish.
Over the years we have been blessed with strong, forward-thinking leadership, both ordained and lay. Lay ministers at Resurrection have been challenged to take on new roles, right from the beginning of the parish. We are known in the Diocese of Niagara for our genuine friendliness, our participatory Prayers of the People, and our lay preachers.
Many committees and projects have been entirely lay-led, including Stewardship and special fund-raising for large capital projects. By the time the Rev. Stephen Murray took over from Rick in 2005, our mortgage was paid off and we were well on our way to rebuilding and paving the parking lot. This large project was completed in 2009, with additional landscaping carried out by talented parishioners.
Bishop Michael Bird appointed the Rev. Michael Deed as our Rector beginning in Advent 2012. Mike served for several years as our rector, helping us to continue to grow as a community known for its diversity and creative approaches to ministry. We welcomed the Rev. Stephen Blackmore as our new incumbent in the summer of 2020. Together with Stephen we will continue to move the parish forward.